Monday, June 12, 2023

How To Manage Your Inner Critic:

Happy Motivational Monday, My Love!

Your Monday pep talk is HERE!

Since starting 'Motivational Mondays,' I have been consistent in posting my weekly pep talks for you guys! I recently took a 3 month break from social media to rest, refresh and work on several projects that you will be privy to in the near future! They will be worth the wait!

When I first began my writing journey, it was just a hobby. Then, I started a blog and soon after, began sharing my passion on social media. It grew to writing for 1 freelance platform, then evolved into writing for several at one time. All throughout the process of blogging, freelance writing, and now; getting paid to write, I had an 'inner critic!' It was the voice of 'average!' That voice was telling me that no one would be interested in reading anything that I had to say. I began my writing journey in 2013 and 10 years later, that voice is still there! Over the years, I have realized that it will ALWAYS be there! I have learned to channel that negative voice into something really beautiful and freeing. 

Truth is, we ALL have an inner critic. AND it is especially loud when we are on the verge of a major breakthrough in our lives! Evolution is the archenemy to the inner critic! When I write now, I always have music playing in the background. The beat of the music helps me to focus on my writing AND drown out that inner critic. While we are evolving in life, there is going to be an inner critic trying to discourage us from moving forward! The more that you persevere, the less you hear the voice of average. No need to fear the inner critic, my love! That is exactly what the voice of average wants you to do is to be paralyzed by the lie and never move forward. At some point, being fearful gets old and you have to fight back! Speaking from experience, the journey will always be hard but you learn to navigate this part of life bit by bit. It does not get easier, YOU just become stronger. 

God has blessed everyone with multiple gifts and talents and when you find them and start to operate in your gift, there will be opposition! KEEP GOING! Keep moving forward! God has a specific plan for your life and if he has called you to a specific job, he will make sure that it gets accomplished! Someone out there needs EXACTLY what you have to offer. You have to have FAITH! Remember, this is your journey to greatness and every time that you persevere, you are moving closer and closer to your destiny. Do not fear the inner critic but use it as fuel to light that flame of greatness and growth! Find some healthy ways of keeping your mind sharp and focused strictly on your passion. For me, it is reading my bible daily, exercising, listening to music and writing! Be consistent and be honest with yourself and watch your life elevate to the next level AND the next level and so on and so forth!

Let's make it hap'n, cap'n!!! Smiling!!

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