Monday, November 25, 2024

Evicted from 'Survival Mode.'

Happy Mindset Monday!!

I don't know if I've told you BUT, I've MOVED.

I NO LONGER reside in Survival Mode. What is that you ask? It is a form of PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.) I started fasting this time last year and I began fasting in May 2024 once a month and it has helped my mental health in ways that I cannot explain. I also let go of a lot of toxic people and relationships. I've replaced those people and relationships with healthy boundaries and activities like hot and restorative yoga. I reactivated my Audible subscription and find Amazon Music to be so therapeutic! I've been getting out more and I go to coffee shops everyday to write as a form of self expression. I am intentional about removing myself and staying away from negativity. 

I am faith-filled and I spend more time at church, in therapy and in meditation. YEAH, I'VE MOVED. 

NO LONGER-Keeping quiet about things that upset me.

NO LONGER-Not setting healthy boundaries for myself.

NO LONGER-Not holding others accountable.

NO LONGER-Stressing about things I cannot control.

NO LONGER-Overeating and drinking when I am stressed!

NO LONGER-Living my life motivated by Fear.

YEAH, WE'VE MOVED. There are plently of vacancies for you here too. Just say yes to faith, healing and LOVE and you are welcome here, too. 

i hope you have a beautiful day, love.

love you, mean it💚 


Monday, October 7, 2024

Tighten UP, Ms. Jones!

Hi there!

AND a VERY, Happy Monday to you and yours!

Just taking some time to rest and recover from the morning that I just had. It has been SUPER busy. But I am super grateful for the blessings that I am called to steward in this season of my life. This season that I am in is so busy AND serious! I went to a strengthening and conditioning class around 9AM and from there went to the library to write for 3 hours. My brain is fried and I am just reminiscing about my earlier days as a writer/educator! 

When I was a teacher back in 2013, I was in the beginning stages of learning how to build relationships with my co-workers on the job. There was this specific custodian at my school in Eastern, North Carolina who I became really good friends with. Everyday, after we said 'Good Morning,' he would say, 'tighten up, Ms. Jones,!' It was the cutest, most endearing thing anyone could every say to me at work! We would both laugh SO loud after cracking a few jokes with each other! After a few months of working there, I looked forward to him saying that to me everyday. I truly miss him💜💜💜

In this season, that custodian comes to mind more than anything. I find myself needing to, 'tighten up,' in EVERY SINGLE AREA. God is taking me higher and I am getting prepared. I feel like I am about to give birth, if that makes any sense! I am definetely pregnant with purpose and the excitement is overwhelming at times..this is how it is when you answer the call to walk in YOUR purpose. 

Give yourself permission to walk in your calling and live an EXTRAORDINARY life! God is just waiting on you to say, YES! Everything else that you need, he will provide. He is taking you higher. Just trust HIM💜

I hope you continue to have a blessed and beautiful day! love you, mean it!


Monday, September 23, 2024

Coping Skills I Use During Really Difficult Seasons in Life.

Happy Monday, friend💕

It's midday where I am and I am trying to be more consistent with blogging on Mindset Monday's!

My weekend was great and this Monday is off to a great start as well! So, we are on the heels of a really difficult season for me! I wanted to lay out my morning routine I have been practicing that has allowed me to cope more effectively when these difficult seasons arise in my life. Here we go!

Knetris' Morning Routine🌞

1st: Kneel to Pray after waking up every morning

2nd: Open my email and listen to 'Our Daily Bread'

3rd: Read my bible and corresponding scriptures in the 'Tony Evans Bible Commentary'

4th: Shower/Get Ready

5th: Drink and eat my Cran-Apple Juice and Granola bar. I like to keep lots of granola bars around to snack on.

6th: Listen to soaking worship music and then I usually like to listen to Amerie or Khalid to keep that calm vibe💞

7th: Go to church and therapy!!! SUPER important in my healing journey. I go to therapy at least 2-3 times a month.

8th: Write and journal as much as possible✍ I have a journal app on my phone and all I have to do is click it and a blank entry will pop up. Recording my feelings on my phone helps me to have a record of my mood and I can go back and look at it from time to time, in order to see how far I have come


feel free to grab what you want from this post. I hope something resinated with you and you are able to find some healing from it💜 have a beautiful day.

Monday, August 26, 2024

I 'THANK GOD' For Rock Bottom.

Happy MINDSET Monday, Superstar😙😙😙

Here we are, beginning a brand new week! AND I am ready.

But, I am going into this new week with a rejuvenated, renewed and revived spirit. I finished a fast Saturday night hosted by Norris Johnson II through Preach Christ Ministries! I have been following Norris' ministry for about 2 years now and it has truly changed my ENTIRE life! Whenever I sign up for a fast with him, I expect MIRACLES to happen to AND through me🙏🙏🙏

During my 5 day fast (Monday to Friday) there is a biblical theme each day and I fast as a sacrifice in order to get closer to God.

All day yesterday, I was just relecting on things I had learned during last week's fast and I am just so grateful for God's grace and mercy. Where would I be without it? I would be so lost. There have been several times in my life where I did not know how I would move forward. Feeling so stuck and grieving but God made a way just like he always does! YAAAY!!! Feeling SO free and happy today. But I am thankful for those daark times because I am truly able to experience JOY as a result. People say to me all of the time, Knetris, you are ALWAYS so happy!' AND my response is, 'YES! I try to be because I have cried an ocean full of tears in my 20's and 30's. I have JOY AND HAPPINESS because I trusted God and he healed my broken heart A MILLION TIMES OVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YES, I have a lot to be happy about.

Be grateful for the hard times. They are leading to your evolution, YOUR gifts and your BLESSING. 

Thank you for reading my post today. I hope you have an amazing week! I 💜you.

Now, GO be great! smiling

P.S. If you are interested in beginning a spiritual journey in fasting, please research 'How To Fast Effectively' by Myles Munroe on Youtube😙 AND follow Norris Johnson II on Instagram!

Saturday, July 6, 2024


Happy Mindset Monday, Love Muffin!!❤❤❤❤❤



Monday, June 17, 2024


Happy, HAPPY Monday!

How is it going out there? Smiling! 

It has been a minute BUT I wanted to let you know, I am STILL HERE😁 Just a whole other level of productivity AND busy but still here! I started working a 2nd job in February along with my part-time gig in retail! BOTH are going incredible and my income has tripled! God has been SO good to me! This is what I have been praying for so long! AND I am grateful! During this incredible time in my single life, I am learning so much about myself and I always find myself giving credit to God for every day that I get to experience true JOY and FREEDOM🙏 in him.

I find myself immersed in the bible more than ever! This is where I am in my life. 66 PROMISES are the 66 books of the bible! They are for sure promises and I find the more I read, the more I uncover these promises in his love letter to us! Sometimes, I just take 1 verse and meditate on it for a few days, sometimes weeks. Promises hidden in every ounce of the bible. I hope and pray that you are well and that you can begin to unlock the mysetries of God's word to experience true joy and contentment. 

Have a wonderful week, LOVE!