Monday, June 27, 2022

The Squeakiest Wheel Gets The Oil! Tips On How To Level Up In Life!

At the beginning of the pandemic in January 2020, the world was introduced to the coronavirus and thought it would just be a series of colds and flus. Its 2022 and it is still here. To date, I have had both a series of 5 booster shots and an actual case of the virus in January of 2021. That diagnosis was both shocking and life saving all in one. After surviving corona in January in 2021, I made some life altering decisions. I decided to take better care of my health i.e. body. I have always been pretty fit but I have slacked on working my body out just for lack of motivation. Now, I go to the dr. on a regular basis. I try to get a workout in everyday for at least 30 minutes.  I go to the dentist, hairdresser, gynecologist and primary care dr. around the clock. I am a good steward of all that God has blessed me with. I was given a second chance to live and so many others did not. I had my 40th birthday on August 2021 and I am happy to say that my life is totally different just holding myself accountable for everything I can control in my life. As my precious mother has always told me, YOU do what you can and let God do the rest. Let me give you a deeper look into what changes I have made to revamp my life. The time has come to LEVEL UP!

The Black Lives Movement was resurrected in May of 2020, only 5 months after COVID 19 was brought to America. Around this time, there was a lot of fear spreading around the world. The Black Lives Movement began because of the death of George Floyd in Minnesota. My father has always had an interesting way of motivating myself and my brothers and sisters. He has always said amongst many other things, 'Knetris, the squeakiest wheel gets the oil!' Now that I am older I know what this means and practice it as much as I can. My father was trying to tell me that you must be relentless in pursuing the things you want out of life. Closed mouths do not get fed. You have to speak up and OUT in order to get what you want in life. I remember trying to land jobs in the past and my father would say, '...the squeakiest wheel get the oil.' He meant to be persistent and relentless in reaching out to contacts I knew in order to get the position. He always gives the best advice! YOU too can be the squeakiest wheel. Practice perseverance and over time, you will begin to attract the things you want in life over and over again.

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