Happy Monday, love!
Monday #051 Time Stamp: 11:35AM CST
I hope your Monday is off to an incredible start! This is my 1st blog post since mid-September and I am super excited to connect again...SMILING!!! The Christmas holiday season is HERE and I couldn't be more excited!!! Christmas is my absolute favorite time of year and I LOVE celebrating all that it means! But it has not always been this way for me. I used to struggle with slight seasonal depression from 2010-2013. It was such a battle and it was something that I had to work through with God, my therapists and my Dr.'s at the time. It has been so hard at times. BUT, I have remained faithful and that depression has been lifted!!!! PRAISE HIM!!!
Most, not all but, MOST of the depression came from my need to compare myself to other people. Comparison is something that many of us do during the holiday season. It is like comparing apples to oranges! It is so easy to just assume that EVERYONE around us is so happy and to assume that they are doing SO much better than you! It is just not true and everyone living has problems of some kind! It is absolutely absurd to believe that others have a problem free life. This is the way that an unhealthy mind thinks! Social media would have us to believe that a svelte woman with 50K followers, an attractive husband, cute kids and a dog live a problem free life!! NO ma'am! That is an illusion and we have to guard our hearts from believing these things. I am only able to participate in social media because I spend a lot of time with God! I read his word daily! I enjoy it, it fills me up and it is exactly what my spirit needs daily, BUT even more when I am using social media.
These days, my agenda is filled with me thinking of ways to turn my trials in life into a testimony to help people to become Overcomers, too! That is what spending time with God does for me. Having a large bank account and being attractive do not equal happiness! Please, stop comparing yourselves to people on social media. YOU are all that you need! YOU!!! We have no idea what others have gone through to be at their level in life. Do you know what is a trillion times better that happiness? JOY! We are 21 days away from Christmas 2023 AND 28 days from beginning a brand new year! Celebrate yourself just the way you are right now! YAAAASSSS!!!! I love you AND there is absolutely nothing you can do about it! Let's GOOOOO!!! Smiling!
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